Talk To Me In Korean Level 10 Korean Grammar Textbook ( پیشنهاد ویژه )
ترجمه فارسی کتاب کره ای تاک تو می جلد ده
مترجم : سرکار خانم غزل مجرد
محصول انتشارات سارانگ
235 صفحه
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از سری کتاب های معتبر Talk To Me In Korean
شابک 9791186701980
جهت مرور و تمرین بیشتر ورک بوک این کتاب رو هم تهیه کنید
This book, for level 10, is the grand finale of Talk To Me In Korean’s Essential Curriculum. Congratulations on making it this far! By studying with this book, you can take your Korean skills one step closer to your desired level.
This book is based on our Essential Korean Course Level 10 and contains more exercises and intriguing reading materials about Korean culture.
With this book, you can
Learn new advanced expressions using grammar points you’ve learned in the previous levels
Acquire commonly used idiomatic expressions like ‘볼일’, ‘만에 하나’
Learn useful sentences for specific situations you’ll experience in your daily life
By studying with Talk To Me In Korean Level 10, you can
Talk about familiar subjects and personal interests in much more depth.
Understand longer text on complex subjects such as social issues and technical descriptions.
Use the right word for a given context based on a deeper knowledge of Korean culture and society.
Differentiate similar grammar points more clearly and combine several grammar points to make more complex sentences.
Articulate your thoughts more freely and precisely using various sentence patterns.